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Burnbrae, Kincardine


Burnbrae, Kincardine


Kingdom Housing Association


34No. New Build Affordable Housing Development


Civil Engineering Services

Structural Engineering Services

Mineral Engineering Services

Construction Monitoring

The development consisted of two storey terraced, semi detached and single storey dwelling houses and a 3 storey flatted block, on a steeply sloping greenfield site. 


Due to existing topography a significant cut / fill exercise was necessary resulting in proprietary crib retaining walls on the site boundary and between plots, up to 3.5m in height. 


There was a requirement consolidate historical mine workings across the site and Bayne Stevenson were responsible for the design, supervision and validation of the works on site. 


The houses were of timber frame construction and the flatted block consisted of timber frame with a traditional stair core. 


Foundations were a combination of reinforced strip footings and, in areas of fill, piles with insitu RC ground beams. 

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