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Business Centre, Lochgelly


Business Centre, Main Street, Lochgelly




Business Incubator Units


Civil Engineering Services

Structural Engineering Services

Geo-Environmental Services

Construction Monitoring

The new three storey building with basement plant room provides office accommodation for business incubator units.  It is of braced steel frame construction with precast concrete floor.  Foundations are a combination of mass concrete pads and a reinforced concrete raft slab to the tanked basement plant room. 


The building incorporated the first use of the Tarmac 'Termodek' system in Scotland.  This system uses the thermal mass of the precast floor slabs for heating and cooling.  The exposed concrete releases heat from the air passing through the cores. 


The external walls use the low-energy Thermalex construction system which is comprised of vertically spanning aluminium studs, internal cement particle sheathing boards, several layers of insulation and rain screen cladding. 


The second floor conference room has a curved feature wall formed from large reconstituted stone panels supported by structural beams, in this area are curved box sections which support the cantilevered glazed breakout area. 

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