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Creative Exchange, Perth


Creative Exchange, Perth


Robertson Capital Projects


Conversion of Former School to Creative Arts Hub


Civil Engineering Services

Structural Engineering Services

Geo-Environmental Services

Construction Monitoring

The former school, for nearly 10 years, had fallen into a state of disrepair.   Via a Design Build Contract, procured through Hub East Scotland and Robertson Construction Tayside, it underwent a significant transformation to create a new creative hub providing 26No studio places, 13No workplaces, business incubation, exhibition space and café over three floors. Works involved fabric repair, internal reconfiguration of the spaces requiring steel frameworks to be incorporated for stability, infill of the courtyard area, installation of a new lift and reconfigured main entrance/canopy feature. Where the courtyard was infilled new micro piled foundations were provided due to the poor underlying ground conditions prevalent in Perth. In addition where large openings were created isolated underpinning, again utilising micro piling, was employed to avoid local overstressing of the existing foundation strata. Externally significant drainage alterations were made and betterment to surface water discharge rates through the provision of SUDs attenuation.

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