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Varcity South, Edinburgh


Varcity South, Edinburgh


Miller Homes


332 No. Residential Units



Civil Engineering Services

Structural Engineering Services

Geotechnical Design

Construction Monitoring

This project was developed over a rolling programme, the speed of construction being dictated by market sale.  The development provides units in a mix of new town houses and apartments.  The buildings range from three to six storey in height and all apartment blocks incorporate partial underground car parking structures. 


Construction was complex, and utilises a reinforced concrete podium slab which is also post tensioned, jump form reinforced cores and in the six storey area a reinforced concrete second floor.  The upper four storey elements were of lightweight construction using timber frame minimising loads transmitted to the transfer structures below.


Foundations utilised vibro improved ground allowing use of reinforced strip foundations. 


Civil engineering design was relatively straight forward with SUDS provided via filter strips and large below ground proprietary cellular storage units. 

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